SMART Start-Up Green Entrepreneurship Training

In collabaration with Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC), UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), Green Entrepreneurship Training took place between 14th-17th February 2012 at Bogazici University. Training was based on an interactive training program, which intends to prepare and empower current and future entrepreneurs in the art of green entrepreneurship through new methodologies and more sustainable strategies, with the aim of tackling environmental and social challenges, promote sustainable lifestyles in the Mediterranean region, and connect the Mediterranean entrepreneurial tradition with the emerging economic green model. In the scope of the training Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on the Future of Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurshipin the Mediterranean was organised on 17th February 2012. The event opened an interdisciplinary dialogue to a broad range of international Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship stakeholders, from entrepreneurs to policy makers including NGOs, academics, grant makers, companies and investors as well as the next generation of Turkish sustainable entrepreneurs with the attendance of over 60 stakeholders.



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Tel: +90 212 359 46 23 / +90 212 359 48 37