United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) has launched on August 9, 2012 by The UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Columbia University Earth Institute Director Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. The Solutions Network mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector in support of sustainable-development problem solving at local, national, and global scales. This Solutions Network accelerates joint learning and helps to overcome the compartmentalization of technical and policy work by promoting integrated approaches to the interconnected economic, social, and environmental challenges confronting the world. The SDSN works closely with United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions, as well as other international organizations. The SDSN has started launching Solutions Initiatives projects to pilot or roll-out practical approaches to sustainable development challenges and assist countries in developing sustainable long-term development pathways. They have representative in several regions. Mediterranean region network is represented by the University of Siena. Boğaziçi University has recently joined in this network and Director of Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center, Assoc. Prof. Nilgün Cılız has assigned as Turkey’s focal point. This consortium is announced on 5th of November, 2013 at Boğaziçi University.



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