Global Guidance Principles for LCA Data and Databases, LCA Case Studies in Turkey, Barriers & Key Challenges, February 2015.

The 2-day workshop on "Global Guidance Principles on LCA database development”, organized byThe 2-day workshop on "Global Guidance Principles on LCA database development”, organized by Boğaziçi University Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center, gathered a total of about 30 participants from Turkish government (ministries of Science, Technology and Industry; Energy; and Environment), industry (textile; energy; food; construction; waste…), and academia. The LCA Database Management flagship co-chair, Bruce Vigon from SETAC, led the training event alongside Andreas Ciroth (Greendelta) and Llorenç Milà i Canals (UNEP). The second day, which also counted with the participation of several Turkish LCA consultants, focused on developing a roadmap to further the implementation of LCA in Turkey. Two key short term activities were agreed during the roadmap exercise: first, the activation of an LCA network in Turkey bringing together LCA practitioners from all sectors (activity to be led by Boğaziçi University). And second, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Industry will partner with UNEP and the national 10YFP focal point to organize a workshop with government representatives on the use of LCA in Policy, with the aim to link the need for life cycle approaches in items of the National Development Plan, such as Sustainable Consumption and Production.



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